In the beginning there was Unity. There we all existed in formless, boundless potential. There was no separation. There was no movement. In an act of supreme LOVE enacted by Supreme Will this unity divided and gave birth to form. The Supreme Duality was manifest! From that first emanation all Life was born and all possibility of all manner of creation in form was made. Further discreet division created the emerging universes, galaxies, stars and worlds and from that was birthed all manner of life forms in all manner of worlds.
We are one such creation. This Human Life. And the signature of Source in us was encoded in our bodies as they mimicked that first creation with the ovum dividing into two and then into many cells, then the spinal chord forming out of that circle of cells (blastula) that two gonads at one end and two lobes of the brain at the other end. Our coming into form, into this LIFE is the reenactment of the first movement of the symphony of Creation.
This truth was pictured in all sacred symbols of emerging philosophies and is beautifully expressed in the Yin/Yang. Duality gives rise to all manner of experience, all manner of form. The movement back to oneness requires the encompassment of both.
The experience of mind can be witnessed and that is what meditation and self-inquiry provides. In this work we can begin to see clearly the two faces/tracks that give rise to our own unique experience. One face is based on suvival and individuality and is the mode of Fear. The other face is based on unity, the desire to share affection, connection and creativity and is the Mode of Love. Many times during the day we switch between modes. Before examination and awarenss this switch can happen unconsciously based upon habits (learned responses we aquired watching those closest to us as we grew) and internalized belief. So we can see the importance of being able to recognize when the mode we are in is not effective in achieving a desired outcome. Both modes are essential for life and work well under different circumstances. Fear alerts us that something is wrong and needs change. Often we feel trapped and out of control when fear arises. There is a sense of a boundary that needs to be crossed in order to meet the sitiuation at hand and embrace change. There is a heightened sense of risk as we move out of our comfort zone. Frustration, dependancy, futility are just some of the faces of self-limiting fear.
The track of Love may move us to that state of oneness where nothing is occurring and everything is in potential that eventually gives rise to the impulse to express and experience movement, creation, destruction, the rise and fall of things, the movement of the seasons, birth and death and the growth that comes from that.
When we look at our Heros, our revered ones and great teachers, they are not without obstacles. What is so inspiring is that they exhibit determination of Mind and Spirit. They exhibit courage to meet the demand to change. Consciously meeting resistence is in fact walking the line (or boundary) between the two tracks and builds a strength of character that can lead to insight and expanded creativity.
It may be easier to comply with that voice inside of us that says, “forget it, run away! You‘re not enough! You don't deserve this!” It takes consistent effort to change a pattern, habit or self-identified belief. It requires an act of will to resist this and be willing sit with the discomfort instead of seeking to distract ourselves with any of a number of addictions. It requires conscious choice. That is why it is said that the greatest gift we have been given is that of Conscious Human Choice.
Infinity is the space between and not the thing itself or the flux not the point! Beyond binary is infinity and the way we access this is by keeping a mind in FLUX and not stuck in one mode or the other. FLUX is the way to encompass both modes. Then we access the the universal potential that can be brought to bear at any moment we choose to SEE.